Monday, December 15, 2008


Welcome friends to the blog accompanying the book Beckham and the Conquest of America. This site is designed to provide a bit more information about the book, the company that the author works for, the charities being supported and all the terrific resources that made the book what it is. It will also provide an opportunity for feedback, updates and yes - corrections - where necessary.
Let me make a few points at the outset:

1. The book is a product of Global Sports and Technology Inc.
2. The contact person for book related issues is Raj Purohit (at
3. The vast majority of "author" profits will be donated to charities working on development issues in Africa and around the world. What are author profits? The share of any sale that goes to Raj Purohit working for Global Sports and Technology.
4. The charities will be picked by GST but we would love any suggestions so leave them as comments or email Raj.
5. The style of the book is a bit different to the norm - it is written like a blog and so the next post here will have live links to many of the resources used in the book. PLEASE NOTE - if we have referenced your work and neglected to mention you here and the in the book let us know and we will add a link here ASAP and make sure we get it fixed in the book. We'd also like to send some traffic in the direction of the resources we used so if you have been cited in our book - feel free to leave links to your books, articles etc. and we will feature them here.

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